Entity Clearing & Healing Made Easy


Do you wonder what is blocking you from 
healing or living the life you desire?

Preventing you from:

  • Your healing progress?

  • Your healing progress?

  • Your Success?

  • Your Connection to God Source/Creator?

  • Do you feel you are self-sabotaging your progress?

  • Is there an “invisible force” holding you back?

  • Do you have persistent health, financial, and other setbacks?

  • Have you been on the Spiritual path for a long time, but haven’t had lasting progress?

Here are 3 things preventing your healing progress:

  • Negative Entity Attachments and Entities’ Debris

  • Negative “gunk buildups” of energies accumulated in this lifetime, past lives, and ancestral

  • “Weakened” connection with your Higher Self and God Source

This package can support you in transforming 
your life from the inside out!

Clearing, Balancing, Repairing, and Healing

  • Self sabotaging and negative forces “holding” you back

  • Physical pain and trauma, misalignments and dis-eases

  • Addictions and self-destructive behaviors

  • Multi-dimensional chakra clearing

  • Inner child and other relationships

  • All bodies: physical, mental, emotional, & Spiritual

Restoring, Connecting, Living, and Experiencing

  • Increased energy, serenity, and harmony

  • Better sleep, more focus, and clarity

  • Insights, Higher Perspectives, more inner guidance, and flow

  • More acceptance, forgiveness, and/or unconditional love of self & others

  • Self empowerment, self worth, and more on purpose

  • Stronger connection to one’s Higher Self and to God Source

  • More abundance in your life

These transformations can be YOURS!

Isn't it Time for you to know the Truth?

Are you willing to let go of judgments or beliefs that are holding you back, and reclaim the life that God Source/Creator intended for you?

Now is the Time...

Time to dissolve the TABOO around entities from the LIGHT perspective!

What are Entities? Why it is important that we know the Truth?

Entities are essentially Spirits. There are COUNTLESS good Spirits, like Light Beings such as Angels, that are available to help all of us at any given time unlike so-called negative spirits.

There are 2 categories of Entities: Earthbound & Dimensionals/ Extraterrestrials (ETs) beings. Earthbound spirits are souls that were previously in the physical bodies, like our loved ones including pets, that are trapped here on Earth for various reasons after death. Dimensional spirits are beings from other dimensions or planets.

These negative entities can cause a lot of interferences and so called “setbacks”, most unknowingly mainly due to our differences in vibrations. The ability to help these “lost and wandering” Souls and assist those directly affected by them has been kept hidden from the masses. Everyone in their True Nature is good.

Could it be the negative interferences and influences that caused the majority of us to deviate from goodness or from our path back to God Source/Creator?

What are Negative Entity Attachments and Entities’ Debris?

Negative entity attachments are when these low vibrational or negative spirits piggyback onto our energy fields and/or enter into our personal spaces.

Entities’ debris are all the negative energies that entities create or leave behind when they enter into our energetic fields and/or our bodies. Examples of these entities’ debris are energetic cords, energetic saboteurs, curses, negative trapped emotions, and limiting thoughts patterns.

Together, these negative entities and entities’ debris are the CULPRIT in preventing you from having complete healing in ANY areas, but especially health and Spirituality!

How do you know if you or your loved ones have an entity attachment?

You may have negative entity attachments if you or your loved ones 
have been feeling these symptoms:

  • Self-sabotaging one’s progress or success

  • Sudden onset of aches and pains in the body including chronic pain

  • Unknown diagnoses or mysterious causes to real physical, mental, and emotional symptoms

  • Feeling drained or low energy

  • Difficulty sleeping or unable to go back to sleep

  • Unexplained fear, anxiety, panic attacks, and/or personality changes

  • Suicidal thoughts, depression, and persistent sadness

  • Addictions, violent, abusive, and bullying behavior

  • Weird things happening to your electronics or unexplained disturbances in the home

  • Chronic unhappiness, worrying, and/or negative outlook on life

  • Trouble focusing or symptoms of ADD/ADHD

  • Persistent tantrums and those “evil eye” looks

  • Frequent bad dreams and/or nightmares

  • Relationship issues and fighting

  • Irrational thoughts and/or hearing voices telling one to do bad things

Challenges people are facing:

  • The majority of people & their environment are extremely prone to entity attachments, especially among Lightworkers, healers, and young children

  • Most people are unaware that they are being affected by negative entities

  • Most of us Lightworkers want to help our family members and close friends from suffering, but often feel helpless

  • Comprehensive and affordable tools for entity clearing and healing on oneself, loved ones, and environment on-demand are not as readily available or even accessible

  • Most healers and exorcism specialists CANNOT release ALL negative entities, especially negative Dimensionals/ETs entities

Three common challenges negative entities can cause:

  • Stopping your healing progress

  • Preventing your success

  • Interfering with your relationship with God Source/Creators

Reclaim your Light & Life NOW:

  • You can too release all kinds of spirit attachments including dark and stubborn entities not for your Highest Good with 100% success on-demand with Jenny’s 

  • Dimensional Healing MP3s

  • Shielding yourself, loved ones, home, business, and other environment from negative energies including entities

  • Healing and clearing in all bodies, generations, & dimensions including past lives, ancestral and future generations

  • Rapidly clearing out psychic attacks and entities’ debris

  • Heal yourself quicker by getting to the root-causes of your issues with these essential tools for Inner Work

  • Effectively & comprehensively transmuting negative “gunk-up buildup” energies preventing one from achieving greater health, wealth, love, and happiness

NEVER before available, such comprehensive
and powerful MP3s jam packed with healing

Each of Jenny’s MP3 has the signature Dimensional Healing energy works below:

  • Healing energies: Reiki, Quantum-Touch, & Other Purest Healing Energies

  • Healing music Binaural beats embedded in both music & soundless versions

  • Source High Vibrational Healing Oils Essence

  • Positive Subliminal Affirmations- the energy frequencies embedded

  • High Vibrational Healing Water similar to Holy Water

Keeping you, your loved ones, and environment shielded and FREE from entity attachments is SO IMPORTANT that it is “STANDARD PROTOCOL” by her God Source Healing Team to release all Entity Attachments and re-shielding as needed.  In addition, having a comprehensive clearing of negative energies is so crucial that it is automatically cleared in all bodies, generations, and dimensions as one listens to ANY of her MP3s.

PLUS, each time you listen to any of the MP3s, you will receive the following:

  • Healings and clearings are automatically done in ALL bodies, generations, & dimensions

  • Automatically Grounding & Shielding you, loved ones & environment from negative energies including entities, portals/vortexes, and/or honing beacon

  • Your auric fields will be repaired to 100%. Life Force Energy will be repaired to the highest possible levels

  • Organ systems and glands, including brain structures, are aligned, balanced, and cleansed as indicated

  • Your awareness / Consciousness will be raised

  • Your overall energy vibration is increased

  • Your Light Score and that of your environment, it's the ability to be free and
    remain free of negative entity attachments

  • Your intuition & connection to your Higher Self and to God/Source will be enhanced


  • Your immediate family members in your household can also have a copy of these MP3s for their own use

  • You will automatically get FREE upgrades to these MP3s as Jenny does updates on an as needed basis. Your original MP3s are updated remotely, so you will always have the latest up-to-date versions whenever you use them.

  • Safe for ALL to use

Expert Reviews



“I now recommend specific healing MP3s from Jenny to my patients...it gives them a powerful self healing tool that enhances the work I do”

“As a physician with expertise in spiritual medicine, I deal with plenty of low vibrational beings (entities) and vortexes (portals) and routinely clear them from my patients, their homes and family members in order to improve their health and happiness. It is common to find lower vibrational energies present at any public place such as the grocery store, stadium and of course cemeteries. So when I heard about Jenny's unique Removing and Shielding Negative Energies & Attachments MP3, I couldn't wait to test it out.

Today before entering the grocery store, I counted 29 entities and 12 vortexes. I played the soundless 10 minute MP3 once on my iPhone while it sat in my purse. By the end of the shopping trip, ALL of the lower vibrational beings had vanished...

Let's just say I was VERY impressed. I now recommend specific healing MP3s from Jenny to my patients depending on what issues they are dealing with and I believe it gives them a powerful self healing tool that enhances the work I do with them. Thank you Jenny for co-creating these amazing products with your God Team! You totally rock!”

~ Dr. Karen Kan, Holistic Physician & Spiritual Medicine Expert
#1 Bestselling author of Guide to Healing Chronic Pain - Holistic Approach



“Jenny's energy work is very powerful.”

“I found Jenny Ngo’s energy work to be very powerful. I love her open, honest, authentic nature. She works as very clear channel to bring her GOD Team into work with your GOD Team, without any egoic intellect getting in the way. With this technique she was able to facilitate very profound clearings from my energetic fields to help me release the resistance... She also offers sound practice advice from her Heart, and has helped me naturally attract more clients and develop and sell more products so I can feel on purpose. Thank you Jenny, Big Love.”

~ Matt Andrews, Channel and Facilitator for ManTarA

“Saving me a trip to my chiropractor for treatment”

“I became instantly aware of the multitude of spiritual beings that you called in to assist me. I am now experiencing support more than I’ve ever had. During the session my back problem and a very painful hip issue which had just surfaced two days prior to the call vanished completely. It wasn’t even on my list of issues to work on and it resolved completely saving me a trip to my chiropractor for treatment.
The two audio files embedded with healing energy are wonderful; soothing and healing. I’ve listened to them while working, creating a state of inward harmony that has made my work day more productive. Thank you Jenny.”

~ Rev Tom Hudson PhD, Birth Rite Technology




“Shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out.”

“Jenny.., the real deal!!! As she started working on the issue I could sense shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out. I'm impressed with her in depth knowledge and explanation about her process. That's really amazing!!!!”

~ Aparna Vemuri, Inner Alchemy Facilitator

“Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness.”

“Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness. Jenny is very dedicated to working with each person or groups of people in a way that brings about balance on all levels--body, mind, and spirit and in all areas of one's life. The integrity of what Jenny does is amazing.”

~ Nancy Gordon, Ph.D., Psychoneuroimmunologist, Corporate Coach, National Wellness Consultant & Author

Are you ready to reclaim your amazing 
life that is your birthright?  

Are you ready for your beautiful transformations?

Package Discount: 94%
Total Package Value Over $2,000


11 MP3s

2 Recorded Group Healing Calls

90 Days Abundance Bubble for you & your immediate family members

Success Blueprint​ PDF

Energetic Prescription for Reclaiming Your Light & Life

3+ hours Recorded Q & A Group Healing Call

Private Facebook Community

30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

Item 1: Vital Steps to Your Healing Journey (Value $25)​

10 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

No matter if you are a “newbie” or an expert in energy healing, this MP3 supports you to build the vital foundations to healing--whether it be physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual. It further assist you be aligned, grateful, responsible, and connected to your Higher Guidance. In other words, it enables you to get “out of your own way” and to eventually gain a higher perspective regarding what you may have been through or have experienced. This clears the way for healing to occur.

“Things started to happen from the moment I started listening”

“Things started to happen from the moment I started listening to the MP3s. I have had shoulder pain 7/10 for the past several years and doctors have not been able to figure out what it is. The night you sent me the MP3, I found myself in such a relaxed state, as I listened to it, that I was able to stretch and find the relief that I had been searching for. I felt asleep and woke to almost no pain at all.”

~ Emily R., New Mexico, USA, Lightworker

“Connected to my higher self”

“It works at the root level. The foundation mp3 has made me more connected to my higher self and I get the awareness how I can receive help. I am feeling more relaxed in fact I bought make up for myself and spend money on myself after I don't know how long without feeling guilty.”

~ H. K., India

“Helped me get more out of my way”

“I used the "First Steps to Your Healing" mp3 daily and it helped me get more out of my way and experience more ease in my life…I drink the healing water during the day and it further helps me to release the denser energies more easily and I love to do so because it gives an extra support to the body as well.

I felt fear and resistance to some situations come up, but melting away surprisingly quickly.
I also could recognise other people's resistance melting away and embrace the solutions I was presenting (at work) that were important for the highest good of all involved. Again...I was surprised :)”

~ Alexandra, Portugal

Item 2: Dimensional Healing 

15 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

This MP3 works on any blocks or issues, whether it be a physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual origin. It will rapidly transmute negative energies or “gunk buildups” that are preventing you from achieving greater health, wealth, love, and happiness as you come more into your authentic empowerment and alignment.

It is not limited to limiting thought patterns and deep-rooted core beliefs, trapped emotions, frozen emotions, physical and psychic traumas, images and memory fields, energetic cords, energetic weapons, vows, contracts, curses, implants, or any other negative energies that are no longer for your Highest Good including karmic and ancestral healing.

Heal yourself by getting to more of the root cause of your issues. Use this MP3 on a regular basis to work through your karmic issues and lessons quickly and to become healthier overall. You can potentially save money from “out-of-pocket” health expenses for your entire family.

“I NOW had tangible signs at the physical level that I was truly healing!!!”

“It is now 2 1/2 months since I’ve been playing Jenny’s mp3s, esp. Dimensional Healing MP3 in a loop 24/7. My intense hot flashes since more than a year suddenly disappeared. I am looking forward to menopause!!! I had intense pain in my Right shoulder, was 9/10 in February & it's down to 3/10 now.

I had a large lump of about 1.25 mm diameter on my right middle finger. That lump is now almost totally gone. There is still a small flat mass there but barely noticeable!!! I NOW had tangible signs at the physical level that I was truly healing!!!

I was struggling with memory issues, & confusion. I do not have either of these problems now. I now can have a cup of tea late evening and still sleep well at night whereas just a few months ago, drinking a cup of tea at 5pm would have me up all night. A few days ago husband asked me if healing energies were also being sent his way. I said “Yes”,then told me his some recent business effortlessly come his way!!!

Other improvement is my massive hair loss seems to have stopped altogether. I was losing so much hair each day for a good part of 14 months. Omg, I forgot to mention I've been suffering from incontinence & that seems to have cured itself too!!!!! I can’t tell you how much of a relief that is. I would accidentally pee in my pants even when my bladder wasn’t full!!! I believe partnering with a good healer caused my life to turn around for the better. Thank you Jenny for sharing your gifts!!! I can't thank you enough.”

~ Marsha, Malaysia

“Be the creator of your life!” 

“Wow, this [Dimensional Healing] mp3 is priceless! I use it for 5 month now, and it is really magical! I use it everyday. I use it, because it works. 🙂 Improved relationships, growing abundance, getting a 6000 dollar training for free, helping my family, loved ones to get better, the list is endless... I love Jenny's work! It works, she gives us the tools to manage our life, and the best is that it works for everybody's highest good, so I can be sure, that I am on the right path. Thank you Jenny sooo much!”

~ Ildikó, Hungary

“We made $12,000 today...biggest gain we ever made in one day”

“I have something awesome to tell you! My husband checked our portfolio as he usually do at the end of the market day and he told me we made $12,000 today. This is one of the biggest gain we ever made in one day. This was my issue #13 on the form that I sent you last night, "Remove the negative blocks and negative energies in our equity investments for a turn-around to make us money". It would seem that my list of issues are already being worked on prior to our 1 on 1 session. Thank you! Gratefully.”

~ Nora, Canada

Item 3: Removing & Shielding From Negative Energies 
and  Attachments (Value $33)

5 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Be free from the negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones, and your environment (home, workplace, business, and other public places).  Raise your Light Score and that of your environment, it's the ability to be free and remain free of negative entity attachments. 

Use this powerful MP3s to:

--Transmute all negative and lower vibrational energies, such as negative entities, cords, curses, black magic, voodoo, contracts, and vows, that no longer serves your highest good.
--Release all kinds of negative entities attachments with 100% success.
--Repair auric fields to 100%.
--Restore Life Force Energy.

Using this MP3 will shield you and prevent you from being a "honing beacon" or magnet for all forms of negative energy. Furthermore, your house and space will automatically be “charged up” every time you play this.  Reclaim your power and Light.

“Less than a second and the entity was gone.”

“A few nights ago I was woken from a dream by the sound of scurrying footsteps in my bedroom. It was an entity and it was laughing at me. It had been trying to annoy me by waking me up. I called upon the beings who work through your Clearing and Shielding Negative Energies MP3 and asked for their help clearing the entity from my home. It literally took less than a second and the entity was gone. Very cool! Just thought you might like to know how much I am appreciating your MP3s :)”

~ Linda, Massachusetts, USA, Awakening Facilitator 

“I was free of entities.”

“Removing Negative Attachments mp3 I feel lighter and no more negative or heavy feeling anymore. I was told by another healer that I had an alien orb (negative entity) in my aura and it was part of my energy system. Thank you as I do not feel it is there anymore and I feel relieved. I think also it was great that you were able tuned in to tell me that I was free of entities.”

~ R.M., Trinidad

“Entity clearing is a daily routine for me!
You're mp3s have made this so easy!”

“I live beside a pre 1600s cemetery that is still in use and entity clearing is a daily routine for me! You're mp3s have made this so easy! Thank you! I've played the mp3s a few times specifically for the land my home is on and the surrounding village, Cromwells army marched right across the land my house is built on! I've spent years clearing layer after layer but there was still a sense of not quite being able to connect cleanly to the rich abundant nurturing of Mother Earth, like there was one layer I just couldn't shift, well , it's lifted and shifted now! The elementals are so happy and so am I!”

~ Ann Wood, Ireland, Energy worker, sound therapist

Item 4: Psychic Attack-Emergency

15 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Without realizing it, you may be under psychic attack from negative entities around you. These entities can be in your your energy field, your loved ones, or your environment. In a sense, you have become a honing beacon for these negative attachments, and in so doing you have opened the portals for the entry of these entities or other negative energies. When this happens, you may experience sudden physical pains that are “off the chart", suddenly experience extreme emotional changes that are unaccounted for, or not feel like your normal self.

“This MP3 really worked!!!”

“I was enjoying myself at the skate park until a bunch of guys showed up that I didn't know. The energy in the park suddenly became heavy and uncomfortable. It felt like there were entities accompanying them. So I played the Psychic Attack Emergency MP3 from Jenny and within 2 minutes, the energy shifted completely and became light and fun. I enjoyed the rest of my time there and was completely comfortable. I was quite surprised! This MP3 really worked!!!”

~ James, New York, USA

“ I really felt under a psychic attack…
I calmed down quickly and fell into a very deep sleep.”

“Last week I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick and with unexplainable waves of panic and overwhelm in my stomach. The afternoon before I'd had a difficult visit to the dentist. I opened my tablet to put on a relaxing recording and saw that you had just sent your MP3s. I listened to the "psychic attack emergency" as I really felt under a psychic attack. I had been releasing entities from 2 clients the day before and also felt there were entities in the dental equipment!

After a few minutes I felt far more relaxed... I calmed down quickly and fell into a very deep sleep. The next morning I was just fine.”

~ Susan, Jerusalem, Israel, energy healer and art therapist

“Great when needing immediate intervention”

“This mp3 is great when needing immediate intervention and relief from negativity, manipulation and chaos. Also, I play this after my cats fight with each other and it seems to clear up the energetic residue from one cat attacking the other one.”

~ Jo Ellen Page, Iowa, USA

Item 5: Assisting Loved Ones’ Souls 
or Spirits to the Light

5 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

For whatever reason, some souls don’t realize that they have died and need to move on. Confused, they roam about on Earth, sometimes inadvertently causing havoc in the lives of others. You can help these souls who have not “crossed over" properly to go to the Light. My Divine Team will usher all these Souls to the Light for the highest good of all. You can use this MP3 to help a single family member or your entire family lineage on both sides, including your stepchildren and adopted children. You can also use this MP3 to help your family pets as well as other animals you’ve seen along the road. Finally, you can use this MP3 to help other people around the world who you’ve seen or read about in the news. All may need your help with crossing over. So priceless!

“A wonderful gift to humanity”

“This is such a wonderful gift to humanity that I have used on a few occasions now. It is sometimes difficult to know what to say to comfort those that have just lost a loved one; however playing this mp3 is always well received. It not only assists the departed souls but the remaining family members that are grieving and feeling the loss as well. I have also been deeply saddened at the news of plane crashes, bombings and other unfortunate events that we just can't seem to get away from, yet I now know how to help in a small way and appreciate being able to do so. I also have a special fondness for animals and love that they are included in this blessing. I am so happy to have this mp3 to be able to offer a little comfort along the way. Thank you Jenny.”

~ Marie D., Canada

“I tell you it worked”

“I used this in a room where a patient had passed on because we could still feel his presence weeks later and I tell you it worked. The room felt clear after I played it.”

~ Jeanne, USA

“I know he crossed over into peace”

“I lost my grandfather one year ago, and could feel his presence in my home even though I live 400 miles away from my home state. I wasn't sure how to get him to cross over into peace. I used this mp3, and once it was finished I felt the air in my home lighten and such a state of peace washed over me. I know he crossed over into peace. How amazing is that!!!!”

~ Faye, Kentucky, USA

Item 6: Children Dimensional Healing

15 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Children who were born 2005 and after are sometimes referred to as “Children of the 5th World” because they vibrate at the 5th dimensional (5D) level rather than at the 3rd dimensional level. These very special, sensitive, and conscious children are regarded as high ascended masters who are here for a special purpose.

To help them achieve their purpose, we need to nurture these amazing souls. Using this MP3 will enable you to do this. Adults and older children can also use this MP3 to heal their “inner child” and to work on healing issues, blocks, imbalances, and misalignments that are common to children in general. It doesn’t matter whether these issues are physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual in nature. This MP3 can help!

“Angelic children- help for parents”

“Played this 5d mp3, my 3 children were born in 2006, 2008, and 2011, they were so calm and peaceful. My middle child is highly sensitive and comes home from school wound up and not herself, I play this on loop and allow her quiet time and space to herself away from her brothers- this works like magic. She calms down and the energy clears. My eldest has some anger management patterns that we are working on, however when i play this he too calms down and returns to the cuddly loving boy that he is. My youngest is very connected still to Self/other side, for my peace of mind I know this mp3 helps him keep balanced.”
~ M.A., Australia

“Feels good for adults too!”

“I'm an adult without any children, but this audio really addresses the inner child in me, and I feel more whole when I have this audio on. It feels good, it feels like some inner part of me that was unfulfilled is now fulfilled whenever I listen to this audio. So these energies are good for adults too!”

~ A.M., Michigan, USA

“Soothing balm”

“Myself and my son always used to argue even though he is very young. Since playing this mp3 things have changed greatly. He's so much more cuddly and sweet with me. He tells me I am beautiful. He's strong minded and stubborn yet much more sensitive than most kids so as soon as there is more tensions around me, or kids are not nice, he gets very nervous and sad easily. So this is one mp3 I use when I sense or witness that something is affecting him and it's like a soothing balm. He lets it out and then he's calm.”

~ Chris S., Italy

Item 7: Have More Energy

10 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Feeling tired? Feeling low on energy? Need a natural energy boost without the downers? You can use this MP3 to clear away deep-rooted negative energies that are preventing you from living your life to the fullest. These negative energies include but is not limited to blockages, imbalances, and misalignments.

There’s no need to be drained of your life-force energy when you can use this MP3 to become your own “energy master.” You can effortlessly “Have More Energy” once the “gunk build ups” energies are released and healing transformations take place in you.

“A big difference in my energy level in ALL aspects of my life.”

“This works! I play this MP3 first thing in the morning and it gets me going and sustains my energy all day. I played this daily for a full week and it worked! Noticed a big difference in my energy level in ALL aspects of my life. Very interesting as I played it soundless for the whole family without their knowledge and we all seemed to be able to do more and complain less of being tired.”

~ LC Ontario, Canada

“Worked with my body to give me just what I needed”

“I usually avoid mp3s for having more energy. I'm concerned about being wired, like having too much caffeine. My body does not like the wired feeling. However, I was pleasantly surprised by your “Have More Energy” mp3. It worked with my body to give me just what I needed and in a way that felt like a good fit for me. I have more energy but am still my mellow, calm self. Excellent!”

~ Linda, Massachusetts, USA, Awakening Facilitator

“I get so much more done”

“We have been moving for the last 2 months, sometimes I am so tired that I feel I am sleep walking, I started playing this mp3 silent version when we are in the new place and finds that I get so much more done and not looking to lie down half way through the day as I usually gets so exhausted!!”

~ Kate D., Australia

Item 8: Great Night's Sleep (Value $35)

10 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Have difficulty sleeping, staying asleep, and/or going back to sleep? Finding yourself dozing off to sleep with this MP3. The mere act of listening to this MP3 will clear away negative energies that have been preventing you from getting a well-rested night’s sleep. These negative energies include but not limited to imbalances, misalignments, and blockages including attachments. You can effortlessly have a “Great Night’s Sleep” once the dense energies are released and healing transformations take place in you.

“Best nights sleep ever”

“OMG OMG, OMG I just had the best nights sleep ever .Thank you for this awesome mp3.”

~ Faye, Kentucky, USA

“I have slept like a baby since using it!!!”

“I was having a really bad time to sleep for the last days because of the lawsuit, I tried the "great night sleep"... and wowww it is amazing! I have slept like a baby since using it!!! I put the mp3 playing during the night in my nightstand and sleep like a baby, even my husband is feeling the effect. I tried one night to sleep without it and guess what... I woke up several times. You have my deepest gratitude for that wonderful transmission!”

~ Sylvie., Portugal

“It was a nonstop cycle of fatigue and exhaustion…
I fell asleep more easily and wake up the next day with more energy.”

“I received Jenny's MP3 as a gift, which came at the right moment for me. I had been having difficult to fall asleep and getting enough rest so this meant that I would wake up the next day feeling drained, needing lots of coffee and it was a nonstop cycle of fatigue and exhaustion. Since I started using the MP3 I noticed that now I fell asleep more easily and wake up the next day with more energy. I don't wake up feeling grumpy anymore. I use the soundless file a couple of minutes before going to bed to ensure a good night's sleep. Thanks Jenny!”

~ Luis B., Puerto Rico, USA

Item 9: Chakra Balancing & Healing

10 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Use this MP3 to immediately balance and clear negative energy from all your chakras in all your bodies. Always remember that when one chakra is out of balance, the others are sure to be out of balance too.

In addition, this MP3 will help you to connect your physical body to your other bodies, raise your vibratory rate and consciousness, remove imbalances, and accelerate the ability of your cells to heal your body quickly, thereby making you less prone to illness.

“I did need to balance my chakras. Ten minutes later, I feel better”

“I woke up tired this morning because it was so hot at night and thought I'd benefit from the chakra mp3. So I muscle tested and I did need to balance my chakras. Ten minutes later, I feel better and my finger holds strong. Very efficient! Thank you. I like your mp3s. They don't require concentration and they don't make me sleepy.”

~ Sue T., California, USA, Interspecies Communicator 

“Really makes a difference”

“The chakra mp3 really makes a difference since I feel the energy in my whole body.”

~ Harkamal, India

“Feeling stronger physically and energetically”

“The Chakra Balancing one resulted in me feeling stronger physically and energetically. It has a calming yet energising effect on me.”

~ R. Mahabir, Trinidad 

Item 10: Embodying Unconditional Love,
Forgiveness, and Happiness (Value $35)

10 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

This MP3 will help you to transmute deep-rooted negative energies that are holding you back and preventing you from healing completely due to un-loved and/or un-forgiveness of self and others, so that you can experience your True Essence of unconditional love, forgiveness, and happiness.

“I have more love for myself”

“The results I have got with it are great. Since working with this MP3 I realized that I have more love for myself and this radiates outwards in unexpected ways. People that never spoke to me suddenly are approaching me with interest in conversation and others are being nicer. For the first time I feel like I am seen and appreciated for who I am. Thank you Jenny!”

~ Luis B, Puerto Rico, USA

“Feel myself filled with unconditional love ”

“I love this recording!!! When I play it, I can feel myself filled with unconditional love. It feels soooo good. Even more amazing is that anger and stuck energy just gushes out of me. It is so incredible I sometimes find myself giggling as I listen. I will be using this mp3 often.”

~ Linda W. Massachusetts, USA, Awakening Facilitator

“Complete knowing of how deeply loved I am by the Divine”

“At first listen, I was enveloped in a complete knowing of how deeply loved I am by the Divine, how held and supported I really am. How powerful is that! From that space, forgiveness flowed, first to myself, and then, out into my life. The possibilities for healing and transformation with this MP3 are endless and I intend gifting myself a daily bathe in these energies!”

~ Ann Wood, Ireland, Energy Worker, Sound Therapist

Item 11: Stress Relief (Value $35)

10 minute MP3 - Music and Soundless with usage instruction

From time-to-time, just about everyone experiences stress or overwhelm from any number of situations or tasks at hand. Using this MP3 will enable you to work though the underlying reasons for your stress, regardless of the source, and release the negative energies that are preventing you from relaxing and living a stress-free life. Once dense, limiting "gunk" energies are processed and transformed, then you can have true "Stress Relief"!

“Heaviness fall out of my shoulders... feel so peaceful”

“Jenny Ngo's Stress Relief mp3 is beautiful. So relaxing. I enjoy the length and the music. I can put it on to relax and it only takes 10 minutes to listen to it. I feel the heaviness fall out of my shoulders when I hear it and it makes me feel so peaceful.”

~ Lauren, New York, USA

“Awesome Relief”

“All of Jenny’s mp3’s are AWESOME! I play them continuously in my home, especially when I’m sleeping. They really do work – everything from clearing the space to relaxation. The “Stress Relief” MP3 is my favorite – it is sooo soothing. I have tons of reiki and meditation music, but this MP3 is by far my favorite and also the favorite of my plants. Thank You Jenny for your great contribution to everyone.”

~ Susan

“I'm being retrained at an energetic level
in how I respond to stress triggers! Powerful!”

“I love this MP3 ! I was highly charged with stress when I first listened to it , I felt like a giant Hoover sucked it all off, recalibrating my nervous system, soothing me deeply and cradling me in a peaceful powder blue stillness! The more I've worked with it, the deeper the peace goes, like I'm being retrained at an energetic level in how I respond to stress triggers! Powerful!”

~ Ann Wood, Ireland, Energy Worker, Sound Therapist

Item 12: 2 Recorded Dimensional Healing Group Calls (Value $1,000)

The healing energies in these recorded healing calls are powerful as live and also been amplified by the energies of the collective group. You will receive the perfect clearing and healing for your Highest Good.

On each call, Jenny, her God Healing Team, and your Higher Self will be:

  • Transmuting negative “gunk build-up” energies causing you to have whatever issues whether it be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and/or financial health for your Highest Good

  • Clearing of negative entities in yourself & your environment (those living with you, home, business, etc)

  • Clearing all heart walls

  • Clearing Frozen Emotions or Frozen Emotional Fields

  • Repairing your auric fields in all bodies to 100%

  • Repairing your auric fields in all bodies to 100%

  • Raise your Light Score

#1 Group Healing Call: Healing Foundations

  • Laying the Foundation for your healing journey

  • Opening the flow of you allowing and receiving

  • Increasing/Enhancing your intuition and/or Inner Guidance

  • Experiencing your True Nature: calm, peace, and/or unconditional love

#2 Group Healing Call: Health and Relationships

  • Focusing and clearing negative energies around your health challenges

  • Addressing and clearing negative energies not limited to traumas and energetic cords from past relationships, challenging and unhealthy relationships, and/or taking your current healthy relationship to the next level

  • Clearing out any discordant energies in the way of you from having loving, healthy relationships

  • Enhancing your Higher Perspective regarding your health and relationships

“I felt so much energy moving...completely healed by the end of your call”

“I want to thank you so much for the mp3s and group healing call. I listened to the mp3s faithfully many times a day from the day I got them. I used them to clear not only myself, but my home, food, and water as well. I immediately started feeling at peace. Your call was the icing on the cake. I felt so much energy moving. I had been having a lot of muscle and nerve pain, along with digestive pain before starting to listen to your mp3s. It had all been reduced by time of the call, but was completely healed by the end of your call. At one point I could literally feel something being ripped out of my left side, and it being filled in by loving source energy. I also had huge financial worries before the call, and although my money situation has not improved , it no longer worries me. I know it will resolve itself when the time is right. My life is filled with so much peace and contentment now. Thank you again for all of your help.”

~ Kathryn, New York, USA

“Most amazing”

“I 've been to many group calls but these one were the most amazing. The power and accuracy disentangle me in all levels. I felt that was really the real help to help me ascend. Thank you Jenny.”

~ Shanti

Bonus #1: 90 Days Abundance Bubble (Value $500)

Energetic Abundance Bubble with PDF instruction

Jenny’s healing “Abundance Bubble”, is an energetic supportive bubble focusing on Abundance. It is safe for everyone/everything and it is for the Highest Good of all involved. It’s like holding you and those on your list in a safe, protective, and supportive environment similar to the analogy of “your garden”, providing energetic support/nutrients for you to nurture and grow your garden.

You and those in your “Abundance Bubble List” will also benefit from my signature healing of clearing/healing of negative entities attachments, heart-walls, trapped emotions, and frozen emotions.  NO detoxing or processing symptoms from being a part of or included in this LOVE Bubble.  So you can include your immediate family members - see pdf for more details.

Condo completely unscathed from fire

"I just wanted to let everyone know that my condo, in my abundance bubble, smack in the middle of an area severely impacted by the fire in Gatlinburg, came out completely unscathed. Feeling super supported and fortunate right now!"


Husband won $2,500 and I won $200

"I just thought of what and who I wanted in the bubble. Last night my husband won $2,500. Playing slots at a local casino!!! A few wks. later, I won $200 at casino! Every little bit helps. Feeling more abundant every day. Thank You Jenny!"


~Vickie, USA 

Bonus #2: Success Blueprint PDF
Value $88


This is your GPS, navigation map to abundance living. You can check your own levels to the list of
Success Blueprint, where tipping point for progressive flow of abundance are possible your life.

Bonus #3: Energetic Prescription for 
Reclaiming Your Light & Life 

28 Minute MP3 + PDF

In this healing and clearing recorded call, you are given the key essential energetic ingredients as the roadmap or GPS guide to reclaiming your Light & living your Divine Life.  Also included a PDF of the shared pearls of wisdom.

Bonus #4: Recorded 3 Hours Q & A Group Healing Call

This is a powerful, jammed pack with Q & A group healing call.  Jenny answered lots of questions and mini-healing request in various topics of healing in the areas of health including pain and strong emotions relief, negative attachments healing, abundance, and even love.  Jenny takes you through many rounds of Light Language transmissions and share information on the Success Blueprint to further help you clear out your limiting “gunk” energies, so you can discover your greatness. The healing energies are preserved for you on replay, same energies as live call.

More Testimonials

“Jenny and her God Team miss nothing!...fastest, most effective entity clearing”

"I am so deeply grateful to Jenny and her God Team for the profound journey I've been on with her 7 days remote dimensional healing, all the areas I requested help with have changed! All the locked doors seem to have 'magically' opened! I felt the energy very tangibly and the more I gave myself to the process, the deeper the work went, touching and dissolving ancient blocks in all dimensions, feeling all the while held in a deep and sustaining love and acceptance. Her work really is powerful and life changing, deep and thorough, every angle of each issue was met with love and transformed, not just for me, but right back through my ancestry, and through all dimensions of myself. I feel so much clearer and lighter.

One aspect of the work I loved was the reprogramming of old inherited ancestral beliefs and programs, my perception has changed so profoundly in such a short period of time, and I'm seeing the positive changes mirrored back to me daily in the people I'm meeting and how they are responding to me and the new opportunities I’m being offered. I'm also seeing body changes, with new strength and tone coming into my muscles, I'm sleeping deeper and waking refreshed, in a way I haven't experienced in years, I also seem to be absorbing and assimilating nutrients in a way I wasn't able to before.

One of my gifts is tracking energy, and Jenny and her God Team miss nothing! Everything is healed back to its source. I can’t speak highly enough of her, she’s a phenomenal healer, her MP3s are so powerful and she and her God Team do the fastest, most effective entity clearing. Please don't miss this opportunity to work with a truly excellent healer!"

~ Ann Wood, Ireland, Energy worker, sound therapist

“Nothing short of magical and miraculous”

"The healing work that Jenny Ngo does is nothing short of magical and miraculous. I feel an instant release and empowerment in the core of my being. I know the MP3 downloads have strengthen my immune system and has contributed to my overall well being.

I also had an incident where I plugged my phone charger into the wall and a ball of fire came out. I could feel the heat and electricity coming out. Afterwards I felt my body was humming and my back started to ache. I did not want to go to the emergency room and decided to play the Healing download. 20 minutes later the humming in my body had stopped and the back pain was gone and did not return. I was told later by our electrician that it was a miracle that I was not injured or receive severe burns. I am grateful to God, Jenny, the downloads and my Angels. Thanks again, Jenny, for sharing these powerful and resourceful downloads. They have been tremendous in offering support to me, my family, my colleagues and those I serve."

~ G. Crooks, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

"I was offered the job on the spot!
...Experienced the peace and calmness not possible before"

"A few months ago, Jenny help me cleared out whatever stuff may be in the way of doing well on my job interview. I was becoming very unhappy with my current workplace. I really wanted to get this job, better working conditions. I was offered the job on the spot! I was so happy.

I contacted Jenny again to help me with a few personal issues. My spouse and I were growing apart, sleeping in separate bedrooms. Fighting a lot. Jenny worked on me clearing out a couple of spirits in me, my wife, kids, and house. I felt so much better right away. I also experienced the peace and calmness not possible before. I got the Dimensional Healing Energy Session MP3. The next day, listened 5 or 6 times. I felt really good. It really calmed me down. Don't get angry as much, thinking very clearly. I also re-experienced the peace and calm when I listened. I enjoyed listening to the MP3 a lot. My wife and I are doing so much better. Thank you so much Jenny!"

~ S. T., Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

“Just listening….Pain all gone!” 

“I have knees pain 5 out of 10 after ~10 minutes of just listening to the healing music. All gone!”

~ Maria, T., Mooresville, North Carolina, USA

“We made $12,000 today...biggest gain we ever made in one day”

“I have something awesome to tell you! My husband checked our portfolio as he usually do at the end of the market day and he told me we made $12,000 today. This is one of the biggest gain we ever made in one day. This was my issue #13 on the form that I sent you last night, "Remove the negative blocks and negative energies in our equity investments for a turn-around to make us money". It would seem that my list of issues are already being worked on prior to our 1 on 1 session. Thank you! Gratefully.”

~ Nora, Canada

“Be the creator of your life!” 

“Wow, this [Dimensional Healing] mp3 is priceless! I use it for 5 month now, and it is really magical! I use it everyday. I use it, because it works. 🙂 Improved relationships, growing abundance, getting a 6000 dollar training for free, helping my family, loved ones to get better, the list is endless... I love Jenny's work! It works, she gives us the tools to manage our life, and the best is that it works for everybody's highest good, so I can be sure, that I am on the right path. Thank you Jenny sooo much!”

~ Ildikó, Hungary

“Less than a second and the entity was gone.”

“A few nights ago I was woken from a dream by the sound of scurrying footsteps in my bedroom. It was an entity and it was laughing at me. It had been trying to annoy me by waking me up. I called upon the beings who work through your Clearing and Shielding Negative Energies MP3 and asked for their help clearing the entity from my home. It literally took less than a second and the entity was gone. Very cool! Just thought you might like to know how much I am appreciating your MP3s :)”

~ Linda, Massachusetts, USA, Awakening Facilitator 

“This MP3 really worked!!!”

“I was enjoying myself at the skate park until a bunch of guys showed up that I didn't know. The energy in the park suddenly became heavy and uncomfortable. It felt like there were entities accompanying them. So I played the Psychic Attack Emergency MP3 from Jenny and within 2 minutes, the energy shifted completely and became light and fun. I enjoyed the rest of my time there and was completely comfortable. I was quite surprised! This MP3 really worked!!!”

~ James, New York, USA

“Son suffers from depression...last 2 days locked up in room…
20 minutes later came out his room”

“I used the emergency entity clearing first and have it on the loop. I immediately saw a difference on myself. I am looking at how it helped my son who suffers from depression. He was in that state for the last 2 days locked up in his room. Guess what today after having the tape on the loop. 20 minutes later he came out his room. Ate something and is conversation with the Family and Laughing. This is phenomenal. Especially for a mother who want to see their child take control of their life at all times. This I know is the beginning of my son healing. Thanks Jenny.”

~ Carol, United Kingdom

“I know he crossed over into peace”

“I lost my grandfather one year ago, and could feel his presence in my home even though I live 400 miles away from my home state. I wasn't sure how to get him to cross over into peace. I used this mp3, and once it was finished I felt the air in my home lighten and such a state of peace washed over me. I know he crossed over into peace. How amazing is that!!!!”

~ Faye, Kentucky, USA

About Jenny Ngo:

Jenny Ngo, MSN is an expert healer and business success coach for entrepreneurs. She is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs take their transformational business to 6 figures & beyond doing what they love AND have the support to navigate the ups and downs of business and life.

She has been featured on well-known global telesummits, such as You Wealth Revolution & From Heartache To Joy. She has helped over 1,000 people discover their true purpose and gifts, and many of them started their dream business.

Started out in modern medicine, Jenny worked as a Registered Nurse and Certified Nurse Midwife for over 12 years. She has transformed her life from a demanding profession, unfulfillment, and struggles to an awakened spiritual journey of healing and transformation. 

Through her journey, she has been a powerful catalyst for fast and massive transformation and healing. Jenny discovered her own unique healing abilities and found her true calling. Now, as a spiritual “midwife”, she helps people “birth” their purpose and live their dreams.

Her mission is to help heart-centered people around the world to fully align to their purpose and gifts, connect to their inner guidance, and breakthrough their limiting beliefs and blocks so that they can share their unique gifts to make the biggest impact and income.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her soulmate, husband along with her 2 kiddos, traveling to the beach and other fun places.

Grab Your Entity Clearing & Healing Package 
Now For Only $99 - LIMITED TIME!

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REFUND POLICY:  Global Quantum Healing LLC's works are effective and have helped many people around the world.  However, individual results can not be guaranteed simply because everyone is unique, at different levels of growth and healing.  We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee.  All refund requests should be sent via email within the 30 days guarantee period. We congratulate you in advance for your commitment to your success journey.

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